Womb Awakening 2024

Powerful Soul Journeys. 4 times a year.

4 December (OPEN TO BOOK NOW)

15 May|14 February| 11 September (SOLD OUT)

(75 Minutes)

(If you can’t make the live, you will receive distance womb healing in the group energy field; playbacks and channelled messages will be sent to you.)

Book My Spot Now

The Womb is a powerful energetic centre for creation. In Eastern energetic practices, the womb represents the dantian, the space of creation. Join us in this intimate, sacred ceremony, and receive a deeply healing womb clearing, healing and awakening.

In this womb healing circle, I guide you to journey deep within your womb space as you receive divine energy tuning and clearing, so that you can:

Limited Spots.

EARLY BIRD PRICE: €72 ONLY (before 2nd November)

FULL PRICE: €85 per person (+ somatic self-practices)

*Note that this is not a substitute for medical advice or support. Please ensure you see your medical professional team if required.


Why are Bonita’s Womb Journeys COMPLETELY different to other Womb Ceremonies?

Find out WHY here

This is a soul|womb journey that lasts several weeks. When you sign up, we enter into an energetic field together whereby I work on upgrading your energetic systems. This is deep deep work going back childhood wounds, ancestral lines, and clearing out dense energies in your womb space. In healing your womb, you open up space to CREATE and LIVE an ABUNDANT life.

When you sign up to our Womb Ceremony, you receive regular updates on our group energetic field and practise videos (constantly updated and refreshed) - you are HELD every step of the way. This is truly a gift that keeps on giving.

I welcome you with open arms. From my womb, to your womb.

Join Our Womb Awakening NOW

Limited Spots.

EARLY BIRD PRICE: €72 ONLY (before 2nd November)

FULL PRICE: €85 per person (+ somatic self-practices)

  • Womb Healing & Awakening

    Bonita had her womb awakening years ago, where she uncovered ancestral trauma and witch wounds, which she had “relived” them in her youth.

    Divine Energy, Reiki and Wombwork supported her in her evolution as a woman, healing her from hypothyroidism, PCOS, supported her in her three pregnancies and birth, and the ascension of her angel child.

    Bonita has helped hundreds of clients with energy healing, and she is passionate to share and hold space for women in this Womb Healing to Awaken their Divine Feminine.

  • Who is suited for a womb healing?

    This womb healing is specific for women are looking to reconnect and remember Divine Feminine.

    *Women who are looking to heal from miscarriages, birth traumas, seeking impregnation, or entering perimenopause or menopausal phases can benefit from womb healings. (*Please indicate if you fall into this category when you sign up for the healing ahead of time for free consultation and assessment.)

  • Why join a womb healing?

    The womb is a powerhouse of creative energy. However, it also stores deep trauma. When we live life on autopilot, we hold onto ancestral and parental pain and patterns in the womb.

    If you have felt like old patterns keep repeating, victimised, feel sluggish in energy and want change, or looking to spark creative energy within you, this womb healing circle will help support you.

  • What to expect in the womb healing?

    I will guide you through energetic practices, specific tapping, and channeling to hold space for you as you uncover and clear old wounds and call back your energy.

    You will be guided to explore, awaken the energies within and reclaim your womb space.